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Marina International School

School Day


The Junior school day starts at 8:15 am and ends at 2:45 pm from Monday to Thursday and 12:45 pm on Friday. The first bell rings at 8:10 am in preparation to enter classes and the second bell at 8:15 am for the start of the day’s activities. Registration begins at 8:15 am and then time is allocated for circle time. At 8:30 am lessons begin.

Foundation (Nursery/Reception):

Lessons begin at 8:30 am. The children in these classes have flexible times for breaks. Most of the students come with their packed lunch in order to prevent the children bringing in money to spend at the canteen. Some parents make arrangements with the caterers at the canteen for food to be served to their children during break. Their school day ends at 1:45 pm, but, there is after-care provision till 2.45 pm. On Friday, school ends at 12:45 pm.

Key Stage 1 ( Years 1 & 2 ) and Key Stage 2 ( Year 3 – Year 6 )

Lessons begin at 8:30 am from Monday to Thursday and end at 2:45 pm. On Friday, the day ends at 12:45 pm.


There are two assemblies for the week on Tuesday and Friday. The assembly on Tuesday is primarily used to hand out awards and merit point certificates. On Friday each class in the school from Year 1 to Year 6 takes turns at performing or giving a presentation to the rest of the school usually in the form of drama or poetry.


There are separate breaks for Key Stages 1 and 2. Years 1 and 2 come out for their first break at 10:00 am which ends at 10:45 am while the Year 3 to 6 break begins at 10:30 am and ends at 11:15 am. The second break for Years 1 and 2 is from 12:15 pm to 12:45 pm while for Years 3 to 6 it is from 1:15 pm to 1:45 pm. The separation of the break times gives each Key Stage their own space and makes the queue for the canteen manageable!

Extra-curricular Activities:

Every Wednesday the school organizes Extra-Curricular Activities. These are non-academic activities for the children. These activities begin at 3:00pm and end at 4:00pm. During this time each child will go to his/her club. Teachers are responsible for the running of the clubs and volunteer to provide activities which they are interested in themselves and hopefully pass on their passion to the students.

Use of Library

In addition to the single periods allocated to each class for library from Year 1 to Year 6 children are allowed to take library books home for reading every day. Children who want to join the library must be registered by their parents before they are allowed to take library books and must be in possession of a book bag. At 1:00pm children in the Foundation classes are allowed to pick a book from the library if they are accompanied by their parents. From 2:30pm to 3:00pm Years 1 to 6 are allowed to pick a book from the library to take home.

Reading Scheme

Presently a reading programme has been introduced in Year 6 (and will soon be extended to other year groups) where a child is required to pick a book from the library at least once a week and at regular intervals is required to write a book review. In this regard each child is required to buy a book bag in order to be eligible to pick a book from the library.

Specialist Subjects

In addition to the general subjects taught in the classes by class teachers, there are specialist subjects taught by some staff members. These subjects are:

  • French
  • Music
  • Arts/Craft
  • Physical Education (P.E.)
  • Information Communication and Technology (ICT)

Sick Bay

The school has a Sick Bay with two qualified nurses to take care of the First Aid in the school. The nurses will contact the parents /guardians if a child is injured at the school. If it is a more serious incident the child may be taken to the nearest hospital for medical attention.


School begins each day, Monday to Friday, at 8:00am and ends at 2:50pm (Monday to Thursday for forms 1 to 5 or years 7 to 11, 4:30pm for forms 6 and 7 (years 12 to 13) and at 12:50pm on Friday for the whole school.

Registration of students and PSHE (personal, social and health education) lessons:

  • Mondays and Wednesdays;-8:00am – 8:25am
  • Tuesdays; 8.00am to 8:15am, followed immediately by either Year Group or House assembly up to 8.25am. These assemblies alternate every Tuesday.
  • Thursdays; 8.00am to 8:15am followed immediately by general school assembly up to 8.25am
  • Fridays: 8.00am to 8:20am.
  • Lessons of all other subjects commence at 8:30am Mondays to Thursdays and at 8:20am on Fridays.

FORMS 1- 3 (YEARS 7- 9):

  • MATHEMATICS - 3 Hours 20 minutes
  • FRENCH - 2 Hours 40 minutes
  • HUMANITIES (History and Geography) - 2 Hours 40 minutes
  • ICT - 2 Hours
  • ART AND DESIGN - 1 Hour 20 minutes
  • PHYSICAL EDUCATION- 1 Hour 20 minutes
  • MUSIC - 1 Hour 20 minutes

FORMS 4 – 5 (Years 10 – 11)

  • MATHEMATICS – 4 Hours
  • ENGLISH LANGUAGE – 2 Hours 40 minutes
  • LITERATURE- IN- ENGLISH – 1 Hour 20 minutes
  • FRENCH – 2 Hours 40 minutes
  • FURTHER MATHEMATICS – 2 Hours 40 minutes
  • PHYSICS – 2 Hours 40 minutes
  • CHEMISTRY – 2 Hours 40 minutes
  • BIOLOGY – 2 Hours 40 minutes
  • GEOGRAPHY – 2 Hours 40 minutes
  • HISTORY – 2 Hours 40 minutes
  • SOCIOLOGY - 2 Hours 40 minutes
  • ACCOUNTING – 2 Hours 40 minutes
  • BUSINESS STUDIES – 2 Hours 40 minutes
  • ECONOMICS – 2 Hours 40 minutes
  • ART AND DESIGN – 2 Hours 40 minutes
  • DESIGN AND TECHNOLOGY – 2 Hours and 40 minutes
  • ICT (Information, communication and technology) 2 Hours 40 minutes